Sponsors 2020
Gold Sponsors
aizoOn is an independent technology consulting company focused on innovation, operating globally.
aizoOn supports the future of its Customers in the digital era by offering technology and innovation competences and by responding to their specific requirements with a broad and articulated intervention capability: Consulting Services, Turnkey Projects, IT Operations and Solutions, Platforms and Products, R&D Projects.
Its organization is structured as follows: Industry Divisions; Digital Engineering & Innovation Division and Cyber Security Division.
Cyber Security Division It develops proprietary technological platforms to respond to the current challenges of the cyber scenario: malware analysis, data leaks, cyber defense, network traffic monitoring. It provides services and consulting activities in the areas of Risk Analysis & Management, Security Assessment, Governance & Compliance. It accompanies the organizations in the definition and implementation of their own “Security Roadmap”.
Lear more at: https://www.aizoongroup.com/home.aspx
Aramis: https://aramisec.com/
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/aizoon-technology-consulting

Ansaldo Energia Group is a leading international player in the power generation industry, to which it brings an integrated model embracing turnkey plants, components (gas turbines, steam turbines, generators and microturbines), servicing and work in the nuclear energy sector. Learn more at www.ansaldoenergia.com
Enel è una multinazionale dell’energia e uno dei principali operatori integrati globali nei settori Enel è una multinazionale dell’energia e uno dei principali attori integrati nei mercati globali dell’energia, del gas e delle energie rinnovabili. È la più grande utility europea dall’EBITDA ordinario ed è presente in oltre 30 paesi in tutto il mondo producendo energia con oltre 86 GW di capacità installata. Enel distribuisce elettricità attraverso una rete di oltre 2,2 milioni di chilometri e con circa 74 milioni di utenti finali aziendali e domestici in tutto il mondo, il Gruppo ha la più grande base clienti tra i concorrenti europei.
Il gruppo Enel è composto da oltre 68mila persone, uomini e donne di tutto il mondo il cui prezioso lavoro si basa sui valori di Responsabilità, Innovazione, Fiducia e Proattività e insieme si naviga nella stessa direzione: essere “Open Power” per affrontare alcune delle più grandi sfide del mondo.
Enel è impegnata a contribuire a 6 dei 17 Obiettivi di Sviluppo Sostenibile dell’Onu: l’accesso all’energia, il sostegno all’educazione, il contributo allo sviluppo socio-economico delle comunità in cui operiamo, la promozione dell’innovazione, dell’industrializzazione responsabile e di infrastrutture resilienti, la creazione di città e comunità sostenibili, la lotta al cambiamento climatico. L’azienda gestisce un parco centrali molto diversificato: idroelettrico, eolico, geotermico, fotovoltaico, termoelettrico, nucleare e altre fonti rinnovabili. Grazie alla sua presenza globale, Enel è perfettamente posizionata per fornire energia in tutto il mondo.
Enel Green Power, all’interno del Gruppo Enel, è l’operatore privato del settore delle energie rinnovabili più grande al mondo, con una capacità installata di circa 46,4 GW proveniente da impianti eolici, solari, geotermici e idroelettrici in Europa, nelle Americhe, in Africa, Asia e Oceania. Enel X, la linea di business globale di servizi energetici avanzati di Enel, è leader mondiale nel demand response, con una capacità totale di oltre 6 GW gestita a livello globale; la società ha installato 110 MW di capacità di stoccaggio e, nel settore della mobilità elettrica, ha reso disponibili circa 130.000 punti di ricarica per veicoli elettrici pubblici e privati in tutto il mondo.
Enel è stata la prima nel mondo a sostituire i tradizionali contatori elettromeccanici, presenti in Italia, con gli smart meters: i moderni contatori elettronici che consentono la lettura dei consumi in tempo reale e la gestione a distanza dei contratti. Un innovativo sistema di misurazione che è indispensabile per lo sviluppo delle reti intelligenti, delle smart cities e della mobilità elettrica.
Nel 2019 Enel ha prodotto complessivamente circa 229 TWh di elettricità, ha distribuito sulle proprie reti 504 TWh e ha venduto 301,7 TWh. Ha conseguito ricavi per 80,3 miliardi di euro e l’EBITDA ordinario si è attestato a 17,9 miliardi di euro, vendendo inoltre 10,5 miliardi di m3 di gas.
Learn more at https://www.enel.it/
Hitachi Rail is a fully integrated, global provider of rail solutions across rolling stock, signalling, operation, service & maintenance, digital technology and turnkey solutions. With a presence in 38 countries across six continents and over 12,000 employees, our mission is to contribute to society through the continuous development of superior rail transport solutions. Learn more at
Kaspersky is a global cybersecurity company founded in 1997. Kaspersky’s deep threat intelligence and security expertise is constantly transforming into innovative security solutions and services to protect businesses, critical infrastructure, governments and consumers around the globe. The company’s comprehensive security portfolio includes leading endpoint protection and a number of specialized security solutions and services to fight sophisticated and evolving digital threats. Over 400 million users are protected by Kaspersky technologies and we help 270,000 corporate clients protect what matters most to them. Learn more at www.kaspersky.com
Leonardo is a global company in the Aerospace, Defence and Security sector with an integrated offer of high-tech solutions for both military requirements and civil applications.
Leonardo’s Cyber Security Division is a reference partner for domestic and international customers operating in critical contexts with high end-to-end security requirements, to which it offers solutions for logical-physical security and resilience, and solutions for secure digitization. The Division is focused on the market of police forces and bodies dedicated to emergency management, defense, government bodies, international agencies, public administration, EPCs, critical infrastructures and large companies. In particular, in the last areas, the Division boasts a consolidated experience and a rich portfolio of complete solutions for the cyber and physical protection of energy, transport, ports critical infrastructures.
Learn more at https://www.leonardocompany.com/it/security-cyber and follow us on
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LNKDN https://www.linkedin.com/showcase/leonardo-security-&-information-systems/
Proofpoint is a leading cybersecurity company that protects organizations’ greatest assets and biggest risks: their people. With an integrated suite of cloud-based solutions, we help companies around the world stop targeted threats, safeguard their data, and make their users more resilient against cyber attacks. Leading organizations of all sizes, including more than half of the Fortune 1000, rely on us for people-centric security and compliance solutions that mitigate their most critical risks across email, the cloud, social media, and the web. More information is available at www.proofpoint.com/it
Sababa Security is the first Italian innovation cyber security vendor, that provides both security solutions and fully managed services. It allows enterprises to protect digital innovations across industrial, automotive, IoT, media streaming and other verticals as well as to boost efficiency of their corporate security, due to a combination of technologies, expertise and advanced security management capabilities. Learn more at www.sababasecurity.com

Terna is a large energy transmission system operator, top in Europe and among the global leaders, managing more than 72,000 km of lines in Italy. Over 4.000 professionals serve the country and the European electricity union, to guarantee the efficiency and security of the grid and transmit energy every day: a critical infrastructure for the development and growth of Italy.
Conference Sponsors
algoWatt (ALW), greentech solutions company, designs, develops and integrates solutions for energy and natural resource management in a sustainable and socially responsible manner. The Company provides management and control systems that integrate devices, networks, software and services with a clear sector focus: digital energy and utilities, smart cities & enterprises and green mobility. algoWatt is the result of the merge between TerniEnergia, a leading company in the renewable energy and environmental industry, and Softeco, an ICT solutions provider with over 40 years of experience for customers operating in the energy, industry and transport sectors.
The company, with more than 200 employees located in 7 locations in Italy and investments in research and innovation for more than 12% of turnover, operates with an efficient corporate organization, focused on the following markets: Green Energy Utility: renewable energy, digital energy, smart grids; Green Enterprise&City: IoT, data analysis, energy efficiency, building and process automation; Green Mobility: electric, shared and on demand. Different markets, a single
focus: sustainability. algoWatt is listed on the Mercato Telematico Azionario (MTA) of Borsa Italiana S.p.A. Learn more at www.algowatt.com
Based in Genoa the Law Firm provides legal guidance to businesses dealing with digital innovation. Main practices include cybersecurity and data privacy, sw licensing and IT contracts , outsourcing , temporary secondment of in house lawyers, assistance for ISO certifications. Operative model is based on tailored workable solutions. Learn more at www.b-rightlawyers.eu
CERTIQUALITY is a Certification Body offering specialized services to the Organizations on Quality, Environmental and Safety Management Systems, as well as Product Certification. In addition CERTIQUALITY operates on Energy System, Sustainability, Food Safety auditing Data Security in the EDP systems, and on Professional Training. Caertiquality has particular expertise in chemical, agriculture, food industry, trasnportation and logistics, health and safety and sustainability. CERTIQUALITY has its head office right in the heart of Milan with a professional staff composed by 100 person and operates all over Italy, through local offices and branches, employing more of 500 auditors. CERTIQUALITY has been established in 1989, and now it has a leading standing among Certification Bodies, with over 9.000 certificated Enterprises worldwide. CERTIQUALITY is partner of IQNet, the International Certification Network representing the most extensive and reputable network of Certification Bodies worldwide. CERTIQUALITY’s Certifications are recognized in 38 Countries and are issued both in Europe, and in non-European Countries. CERTIQUALITY is able to offer a global Certification service on a worldwide scale, with inspections and audits carried out by local auditor. This aspect is particularly useful for Multinational Companies with branches in different Countries in Europe and in the world. CERTIQUALITY’s services help to promote and sustain the development of the Organizations and their products. Certiquality, is recognized by the European community as a Notified Body (n: 0546) according to EU Directive 93/42/EEC and to Regulation (EU) 305/2011 for the release of CE certification of medical devices and construction products. Learn more at http://www.certiquality.it/
CETENA S.p.A. – a study centre in the maritime field – which was established in 1962 and is a Fincantieri company with headquarters in Genova. CETENA provides support for its customers with a wide range of consultancy, on-board activities, specific products, laboratory tests and training programmes in the maritime field in both civil and naval sectors. CETENA manages each of these activities with its team of experts with professional competences, knowledge and experience. To maintain a direct link with shipyard activities (engineering and production), CETENA has different offices and test laboratories in strategic positions all over Italy (Trieste – Riva Trigoso – Castellammare – Palermo). CETENA also collaborates with different research centres in Italy and Europe and it is involved in many research projects with Universities,
various Ministries and industrial companies. In order to guarantee the best quality services, our company includes various operation units in which engineers with different competences
and skills work together to find tailored solutions and to solve critical technical issues.
The dual principal aspects of CETENA are research and customer support, which distinguish CETENA in the market giving tangible advantages to its customers: on one hand, customer support is innovative because it is provided by technicians who are also involved
in research activities and on the other hand, research support is effective due to the expertise of CETENA to properly address research activities related to the input received from industrial companies. Learn more at www.cetena.it

Gruppo SIGLA Srl, established in 1990 in Genova (Italy), is an Italian SME consisting of 70 specialists with high technical expertise and experience in the field of ICT. Gruppo SIGLA provides IT solutions, covering the entire lifecycle: from the analysis of the customer requirements to the implementation of feasibility studies, from the design (hardware and software) to the integration and configuration of the systems, from the development of “software dedicated applications” to their installation and delivery to the end users. Particularly, in the field of Automation, Gruppo SIGLA confirms its role as a partner of the market-leading companies for the provision of design, configuration, development and commissioning services in the industry fields. Gruppo SIGLA is devoted to strongly invest into innovation activities focusing on the following areas of intervention: Smart City, Transport & Logistics, Energy, Environment and Water, Green Economy, Privacy Data and Security.
The company, registered at the National Research Registry, is constantly engaged in research and technology transfer activities to develop innovative products and solutions through Research & Development Business Unit strongly involved in the participation of funded research projects (European Union – 7FP, H2020, Ministry of Economic Development, Ministry of University and Research, Ligurian Region). The Research & Development Business Unit is very active in networking activities and it is member of the following Districts and Pole: START4.0, District of Intelligent Systems (SIIT), Ligurian District of Marine Technology (DLTM), Sustainable Energy Pole (EASS), Ligurian Life Science Technology Pole (PLSV), TRANSIT Pole (Logistics and Transportation).
Iren è una delle più importanti e dinamiche multiutility del panorama italiano e opera nei settori dell’energia elettrica, del gas, dell’energia termica per teleriscaldamento, della gestione dei servizi idrici integrati, dei servizi ambientali e dei servizi tecnologici.
Il Gruppo opera in un bacino multiregionale di oltre 7.000.000 abitanti, con circa 8.100 dipendenti, quasi 4,3 miliardi di Euro di ricavi nel 2019, un portafoglio di circa 1,815 milioni di clienti nel settore energetico e complessivamente 6 milioni di abitanti serviti nel ciclo idrico e ambientale
È secondo operatore nazionale nel settore del teleriscaldamento per energia termica commercializzata, terzo nel settore idrico per volumi venduti e nei servizi ambientali per quantità di rifiuti trattati, soggetto con massa critica rilevante nei servizi a rete (gas, energia elettrica e ciclo idrico)
Il Gruppo è un produttore energetico eco-friendly per circa il 76% della propria produzione.
Iren è una holding industriale con sede a Reggio Emilia e poli operativi a Genova, Parma, Piacenza, Reggio Emilia, Torino, La Spezia e Vercelli.
Alla capogruppo Iren fanno capo le attività strategiche, amministrative, di sviluppo, coordinamento e controllo, mentre quattro società presidiano le attività per linea di business:
- Iren Energia nella produzione di energia elettrica e termica, gestione del teleriscaldamento, illuminazione pubblica, impianti semaforici e servizi tecnologici;
- Iren Mercato nell’approvvigionamento e nella vendita di energia elettrica, gas e calore per teleriscaldamento;
- IRETI nella distribuzione di energia elettrica, gas e acqua;
- Iren Ambiente nella raccolta dei rifiuti, nell’igiene urbana, nella progettazione e gestione degli impianti di trattamento e smaltimento rifiuti.
Il Gruppo Iren offre, inoltre, servizi integrati per l’efficienza energetica e soluzioni tecnologiche attraverso Iren Smart Solutions.
Iren dispone di un elevato know how tecnologico che, unito alla vocazione per l’affidabilità, l’innovazione e il radicamento nel territorio, le consente di operare all’insegna della qualità e dell’attenzione alle esigenze dei clienti e dei cittadini. Find out more at https://www.gruppoiren.it/
Maps Group: from complex data to knowledge
More than just a simple software solution provider, at Maps Group, data semantics is our core business. We design and develop innovative solutions to support decision-making processes in both public and private businesses and organizations.
We do this using tools that can gather, analyze, interpret and structure complex data to facilitate its use in real time and sharing within a business context on the basis of precise market strategies.
From healthcare to marketing, managing environmental cycles or public administration, the tools developed by Maps Group allow you to make the transition from Big Data to Relevant Data.
The solutions, that are prepared and applied in the various reference contexts, structure the wealth of information an organization possesses using tools that are designed as effective supports to governance and business activities. Learn more at https://mapsgroup.it/
Supporter Sponsors
With almost 160 years of experience across a wide range of industries, RINA is a multinational company that helps clients build strong, successful businesses.
We work alongside companies that greatly depend on the reliability of IT infrastructures, systems and software to be able to operate. We’re actively developing mitigation strategies to counteract cyber threats through the analysis and testing of embedded and mobile systems and complex service-orientated applications, in accordance with international best practices. Find out more at https://www.rina.org/en/
With the special support of
The A2A Group is the largest Italian multi-utility, at the forefront of territorial services and technological solutions for ten years, with one hundred years of history and experience. We design smart and sustainable cities, with respect for the people who live there, we are protagonists of energy transition and we implement the principle of the circular economy inall of our activities. With a far-reaching strategic plan, we manage the generation, sale and distribution of electricity and gas, district heating, waste collection and recovery, e-mobility, public lighting and the integrated water services. Learn more at www.a2a.eu

Cyber Security for Energy & Transport Infrastructure
International Conference