Sponsors 2021
Gold Sponsors
aizoOn is an independent technology consulting company focused on innovation, operating globally.
aizoOn supports the future of its Customers in the digital era by offering technology and innovation competences and by responding to their specific requirements with a broad and articulated intervention capability: Consulting Services, Turnkey Projects, IT Operations and Solutions, Platforms and Products, R&D Projects.
Its organization is structured as follows: Industry Divisions; Digital Engineering & Innovation Division and Cyber Security Division.
Cyber Security Division It develops proprietary technological platforms to respond to the current challenges of the cyber scenario: malware analysis, data leaks, cyber defense, network traffic monitoring. It provides services and consulting activities in the areas of Risk Analysis & Management, Security Assessment, Governance & Compliance. It accompanies the organizations in the definition and implementation of their own “Security Roadmap”.
Lear more at: https://www.aizoongroup.com/home.aspx
Aramis: https://aramisec.com/
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/aizoon-technology-consulting
Ansaldo Energia is a leading international player in the power generation industry: its integrated model embraces turnkey power plants construction, power equipment (gas & steam turbines, generators and microturbines), manufacturing, service and nuclear activities.
At present, Ansaldo Energia SpA is 88% owned by Cdp Equity of the Cassa Depositi e Prestiti Group and 12% by Shanghai Electric.
Our Company currently employs ca. 3300 people and has an international presence through local companies and branch offices: in Italy, where Group headquarters and the two subsidiaries Ansaldo Nucleare and Ansaldo Green Tech are; in China, with the two joint ventures Ansaldo Gas Turbine Technology and Shanghai Electric Gas Turbine; in Switzerland, in the United Kingdom, in Russia and in the United Arab Emirates.
Ansaldo Energia covers all after-sales aspects, with a wide range of global services: from repair and supply of spare parts to on-site interventions, including revisions and updates, up to “full service” in Long Term Service Agreements.
The company looks also toward the future and is a leader in the energy transition, strongly focusing on the digitization of plants, diagnostics, and predictive maintenance.
Learn more at: www.ansaldoenergia.com
Enel è una multinazionale dell’energia e uno dei principali operatori integrati nei mercati globali dell’energia e delle rinnovabili, nonché uno dei principali operatori del gas nel mercato retail. È la più grande utility europea per EBITDA ordinario, ed è presente in oltre 30 paesi nel mondo, producendo energia con circa 89 GW di capacità installata. Enel distribuisce energia elettrica attraverso una rete di oltre 2,2 milioni di chilometri e con quasi 75 milioni di utenti finali è il 1° operatore di rete a livello mondiale1. Il Gruppo porta energia a circa 70 milioni di case e aziende e ha la più grande base di clienti globale.
Enel Green Power, all’interno del Gruppo Enel, sviluppa e gestisce impianti di energia rinnovabile in tutto il mondo ed è presente in Europa, Americhe, Asia, Africa e Oceania. Leader mondiale nell’energia pulita, con una capacità totale di circa 50 GW e un mix di generazione che comprende eolico, solare, geotermico e idroelettrico, Enel Green Power è in prima linea nell’integrazione di tecnologie innovative negli impianti di energia rinnovabile.
Enel X è la linea di business globale del Gruppo Enel che offre servizi che accelerano l’innovazione e guidano la transizione energetica. Leader mondiale nel settore delle soluzioni energetiche avanzate, Enel X gestisce servizi come la demand response per circa 7,4 GW di capacità totale a livello globale e 137 MW di capacità di accumulo installati a livello mondiale, oltre a 232mila punti di ricarica per veicoli elettrici resi disponibili in tutto il mondo2. Attraverso le sue soluzioni avanzate, tra cui gestione dell’energia, servizi finanziari e mobilità elettrica, Enel X fornisce a ciascun partner un ecosistema intuitivo e personalizzato di piattaforme tecnologiche e servizi di consulenza, incentrato sui principi di sostenibilità ed economia circolare al fine di fornire a persone, comunità, istituzioni e aziende con un modello alternativo che rispetta l’ambiente e integra l’innovazione tecnologica nella vita quotidiana. Ogni soluzione ha il potere di trasformare gli obiettivi di decarbonizzazione, elettrificazione e digitalizzazione in azioni sostenibili per tutti, al fine di costruire insieme un mondo più sostenibile ed efficiente.
Nel 2020 Enel ha prodotto complessivamente circa 207 TWh di elettricità, ha distribuito sulle proprie reti 484 TWh e ha venduto 298 TWh. Ha conseguito ricavi per 64.9 miliardi di euro e l’EBITDA ordinario si è attestato a 17,9 miliardi di euro.
1 Operatori di proprietà pubblica non inclusi
2 Punti di ricarica pubblici e privati. Include punti di interoperabilità
Hitachi Rail is a fully integrated, global provider of rail solutions across rolling stock, signaling, service & maintenance, digital technology and turnkey solutions.
The Group’s mission is to contribute to the sustainable development of society through advanced solutions for rail transport. Drawing on the wider Hitachi Group’s market-leading technology and research-and-development capabilities, we strive for industry leading innovations and solutions that can deliver value for customers and contribute to the well-being of people around the world improving their quality of life.
Kaspersky is a global cybersecurity and digital privacy company founded in 1997. Kaspersky’s deep threat intelligence and security expertise is constantly transforming into innovative security solutions and services to protect businesses, critical infrastructure, governments and consumers around the globe. The company’s comprehensive security portfolio includes leading endpoint protection and a number of specialized security solutions and services to fight sophisticated and evolving digital threats. Over 400 million users are protected by Kaspersky technologies and we help 240,000 corporate clients protect what matters most to them. Learn more at www.kaspersky.com.
Leonardo is an Italian company with a global reach active in the Aerospace, Defense and Security sector and with an integrated offer of high-tech solution. It operates in 150 countries, invests €1.5 billion a year in research and development, and employs about 50,000 people. In 2019, it reported revenues of €13.8 billion (84% coming from international markets), new orders of €14.1 billion, and an order backlog of €36.5 billion. Leonardo supports a sustainable and shared growth path, thanks to its leadership in new generation technologies, in line with the “Be Tomorrow – Leonardo 2030” Strategic Plan.
The Cyber Security Division, with around 1,800 employees (over 1,500 in Italy and more than 200 in the UK), operates in terms of Digital Transformation, Cyber Security & Intelligence, Control Rooms & Physical Security and Secure Communications.
The complementary nature of the product portfolio, together with the business experience, allow the Division to offer Global Security combining the central theme of digitalization with the security and resilience of physical and digital infrastructures for a complete security against hybrid threats and critical events.
The divisional offering includes control rooms and physical-logical security systems for the protection of companies, plants, EPC and critical infrastructures thanks to intelligent and technologically advanced platforms. Cyber Security and Cyber Resilience solutions to provide decision support guided by information superiority thanks also to solutions for cyber training of operators. Solutions for the secure digitalization of PA, Defense and companies for the digital revision of processes and the generation of new added-value services. The Division also benefits from its Global Security Operation Center, which guarantees the continuous monitoring of customers’ IT ecosystems, is able to help in the prevention of cyber-critical events, capable to detect and manage any vulnerabilities and to propose fast and efficient recovery & remediation procedures.
Proofpoint, Inc. (NASDAQ: PFPT) is a leading cybersecurity and compliance company that protects organizations’ greatest assets and biggest risks: their people. With an integrated suite of cloud-based solutions, Proofpoint helps companies around the world stop targeted threats, safeguard their data, and make their users more resilient against cyber attacks. Leading organizations of all sizes, including more than half of the Fortune 1000, rely on Proofpoint for people-centric security and compliance solutions that mitigate their most critical risks across email, the cloud, social media, and the web.
Sababa Security is the first Italian innovation cyber security vendor, that provides both security solutions and fully managed services. It allows enterprises to protect digital innovations across industrial, automotive, IoT, media streaming and other verticals as well as to boost efficiency of their corporate security, due to a combination of technologies, expertise and advanced security management capabilities. Learn more at www.sababasecurity.com
Siamo responsabili delle attività di pianificazione, sviluppo e manutenzione della rete di trasmissione nazionale (RTN) nonché della gestione dei flussi di energia elettrica che vi transitano. Ci assicuriamo che l’offerta di energia immessa nella rete sia costantemente uguale alla domanda, ossia ai consumi di elettricità. Il dispacciamento è l’insieme delle attività necessarie a mantenere questo equilibrio, 365 giorni all’anno e 24 ore su 24. Oltre a ciò progettiamo e sviluppiamo la rete seguendo un piano decennale di sviluppo.
Le attività regolate rappresentano circa l’85% del nostro business, ma svolgiamo anche attività non regolate a supporto della transizione energetica, come energy solutions provider e con attività internazionali. Portiamo all’estero le nostre competenze e il know-how tecnologico sviluppato in Italia e lo mettiamo a disposizione degli operatori internazionali per lo sviluppo delle reti elettriche e per la gestione di sistemi complessi, la trasmissione, l’integrazione delle fonti rinnovabili e i sistemi di accumulo.
Stiamo operando in uno scenario di transizione energetica, che significa l’azzeramento delle emissioni di CO2 e di tutte le altre emissioni di gas serra entro il 2050. Si tratta di un processo di trasformazione ineludibile verso un sistema di produzione e consumo di energia sostenibile e decarbonizzato, in cui la generazione elettrica è sempre più decentrata e basata sullo sfruttamento delle fonti rinnovabili di energia.
Svolgiamo un ruolo centrale in questo processo. Da semplice operatore, stiamo diventando gli abilitatori e i registi della transizione energetica, garantendo una sempre migliore integrazione delle fonti rinnovabili e la progressiva decarbonizzazione del sistema. Prevediamo di investire 14 miliardi di euro sulla rete nei prossimi dieci anni, per rendere il sistema efficiente, sostenibile, competitivo e digitalizzato. Una cifra considerevole, se si confronta con i mille miliardi di euro previsti in totale a livello europeo per il Green New Deal, di cui circa la metà sarà investita in settori in cui operiamo e circa 100 miliardi saranno destinati alle reti. Per saperne di più:
Conference Sponsors
algoWatt (ALW), greentech solutions company, designs, develops and integrates solutions for energy and natural resource management in a sustainable and socially responsible manner.
The Company provides management and control systems that integrate devices, networks, software and services with a clear sector focus: digital energy and utilities, smart cities & enterprises and green mobility.
algoWatt is the result of the merger of TerniEnergia, a leading company in the renewable energy and environmental industry, and Softeco, an ICT solutions provider with over 40 years of experience for customers operating in the energy, industry and transport sectors. The company, with more than 200 employees located in 7 locations in Italy and investments in research and innovation for more than 12% of turnover, operates with an efficient corporate organization, focused on the following markets: Green Energy Utility: renewable energy, digital energy, smart grids; Green Enterprise&City: IoT, data analysis, energy efficiency, building and process automation; Green Mobility: electric, shared and on demand. Different markets, a single focus: sustainability. algoWatt is listed on the Mercato Telematico Azionario (MTA) of Borsa Italiana S.p.A..
CETENA S.p.A. – a study centre in the maritime field – which was established in 1962 and is a Fincantieri company with headquarters in Genova. CETENA provides support for its customers with a wide range of consultancy, on-board activities, specific products, laboratory tests and training programmes in the maritime field in both civil and naval sectors. CETENA manages each of these activities with its team of experts with professional competences, knowledge and experience.
About Claroty
Claroty is the industrial cybersecurity company. Trusted by the world’s largest enterprises, Claroty helps customers reveal, protect, and manage their OT, IoT, and IIoT assets. The company’s comprehensive platform connects seamlessly with customers’ existing infrastructure and programs while providing a full range of industrial cybersecurity controls for visibility, threat detection, risk and vulnerability management, and secure remote access—all with a significantly reduced total cost of ownership. Claroty is backed and adopted by leading industrial automation vendors, with an expansive partner ecosystem and award-winning research team. The company is headquartered in New York City and has a presence in Europe, Asia-Pacific, and Latin America, and deployments on all seven continents.
To learn more, visit www.claroty.com.
CY4GATE was founded in 2014 to meet demand for unconventional cybersecurity solutions. Listed on the AIM since June 2020, CY4GATE was created to design, develop and produce technologies, products and services that respond to even the most rigorous and sophisticated “Cyber Intelligence & Cyber Security” needs expressed by the Armed forces, Police, Intelligence Agencies and Companies in Italy and abroad. With its one‐of‐a‐kind Italian business model, CY4GATE covers the entire cyber market with proprietary products for both data collection and analysis and security: QUIPO for cyber intelligence; RTA for Cyber Security.
Continuity Software’s technology and approach has been deployed at six of the ten world’s largest banks, and other enterprises, since 2005.
Continuity’s solution StorageGuard helps enterprises protect their data, by securing their data storage & backup systems. StorageGuard’s analysis and detection capabilities include deviations from organizational security baselines, common vulnerabilities and exposures (CVE’s) at the storage system level, violations of industry best practices & ransomware guidelines and non-compliance with regulations – all of which can impact the resilience of core storage systems and prevent recoverability.
StorageGuard provides enterprise security and IT leaders with the cyber resilience solution they need to guarantee critical data is continuously secure. The solution complements existing data-protection solutions, by adding a layer of security that prevents attackers from penetrating storage systems and reaching the mass of data stored there.
StorageGuard enables you to easily meet InfoSec, Audit, and increasing regulatory requirements.
Gruppo SIGLA Srl, established in 1990 in Genova (Italy), is an Italian SME consisting of about 80 specialists with high technical expertise and experience in the field of ICT.
Gruppo SIGLA provides IT solutions, covering the entire lifecycle: from the analysis of the customer requirements to the implementation of feasibility studies, from the design (hardware and software) to the integration and configuration of the systems, from the development of “software dedicated applications” to their installation and delivery to the end users. In the field of Automation, Gruppo SIGLA confirms its role as a partner of the market-leading companies for the provision of design, configuration, development and commissioning services in the industry fields.
Thanks to its experience as a system integrator with high skills both in IT and OT, Gruppo SIGLA supports its customers in the design of security systems and in the orchestration of the various technologies that contribute to company safety. Gruppo SIGLA’s experience allows you to manage all the phases of large-scale cybersecurity projects: from the assessment, both technological and organizational, to the conduct of risk analysis with the drafting of the related action plans, to the planning and implementation of countermeasures.
In June 2021, the company became part of the Relatech Group, present on the market with innovative solutions dedicated to the digital transformation of companies and listed on the AIM of the Italian Stock Exchange since 2019.
Gruppo SIGLA is devoted to strongly invest into innovation activities focusing on the following areas of intervention: Smart City, Transport & Logistics, Energy, Environment and Water, Green Economy, Privacy Data and Security.
The company, which is registered in the National Research Register, is associated with the START 4.0 Competence Centre, the Intelligent Systems District (SIIT), the Liguria Marine Technology District (DLTM), the Sustainable Energy Cluster (EASS), the Liguria Life Sciences Technology Cluster (PLSV) and the TRANSIT Cluster (Logistics and Transport).
Consequently, for many years, it has been constantly engaged in research and technology transfer activities to develop innovative products and solutions through its Research & Development Business Unit, which is heavily involved in participating in funded research projects (European Union – 7FP, H2020, Ministry of Economic Development, Ministry of University and Research, Liguria Region).
Iren, one of the most important and dynamic multi-utilities on the Italian scene, operates in the sectors of electricity, gas, thermal energy for district heating, management of integrated water services, environmental services and technological services.
The Group operates in a multi-regional area with more than 8,600 employees, a portfolio of around 1.9 million customers in the energy sector, some 2.8 million residents served in the integrated water cycle and roughly 3.1 million residents in environmental services.
It is the leading national operator in the district heating sector in terms of thermal energy sold, third in the water sector in terms of cubic metres managed and in the environmental services sector in terms of quantity of waste treated, fifth in the gas sector in terms of sales to end users and fifth in the electricity sector in terms of electricity sold.
The Group is an eco-friendly energy producer with about 73% of its own production.
Iren is an industrial holding company with headquarters in Reggio Emilia and operating centres in Genoa, Parma, Piacenza, Reggio Emilia, Turin, La Spezia and Vercelli.
The Parent Company is responsible for strategic, administrative, development, coordination and control business, while four companies oversee activities by business line:
- Iren Energia in the production of thermal and electric energy, district heating management, public lighting and traffic lights, and technology services
- Iren Mercato operates in the field of procurement and sale of electricity, gas and district heating.
- IRETI operates electricity, gas and water distribution networks.
- Iren Ambiente deals with waste collection, urban hygiene, the design and management of waste treatment and disposal plants;
The Iren Group also offers integrated services for energy efficiency and technological solutions through Iren Smart Solutions.
The company has recently formulated a new growth strategy, going beyond the traditional concept of the circular economy to introduce that of the multi-circle economy: this vision, which is strongly sustainable in the long term, emphasizes the multiple business nature of a multi-utility, in which the different businesses share the value of a responsible use of resources.
Iren has a high level of technological know-how which, together with its calling for reliability, innovation and deep roots in the territory, allows it to operate under a banner of quality and attention to the needs of its customers and citizens.
Data management solutions: from information to knowledge, from sharing to action.
Maps Group develops technological solutions that are able to acquire information, extracting it from non-structured data and turning it into usable knowledge, using Real Time Data Analysis solutions.
During this process, the data gathered and analysed are translated into interpretive models designed to provide better comprehension of reality—material from start to finish for a new and rigorous cognitive base on which to build efficacious support for strategic decision-making.
The services and products developed by Maps Group enable private companies and public bodies to fully understand their present and better plan their future through systems that facilitate and perform the different decision-making processes (Decision Support Systems).
Marsh is the world’s leading insurance broker and risk advisor. With around 40,000 colleagues operating in more than 130 countries, Marsh serves commercial and individual clients with data-driven risk solutions and advisory services. Marsh is a business of Marsh McLennan (NYSE: MMC), the world’s leading professional services firm in the areas of risk, strategy and people.
With 160 years of experience across a wide range of industries, RINA is a multinational company that helps clients build strong, successful businesses. Through a global network of 200 offices in 70 countries, we support organizations across the entire lifecycle of their projects in which ICT plays a key role.
We provide support in evaluating the business impact of cyber threats, protecting assets, mitigating risk and preventing attacks, with the ultimate purpose of creating a cyber resilient culture across industries. Our mitigation strategy focuses on information security, end user education and network security.
The company was founded in 2010 with expertise in cyber threat intelligence and offensive security. TS-WAY develops systems, technologies, and cooperation models with a comprehensive approach to security, to ensure the business continuity of its clients.
Its technology solutions transform global threat data into strategic, tactical, operational and technical information, enabling organizations to save time and resources, anticipate threats, understand their scope and increase awareness, thus becoming a valuable support tool in decision-making process and a reliable partner in case of cyber incident.
TS-WAY’s Cyber Threat Intelligence system is built on 3 assets:
- SOURCES: TS-WAY has a constantly analyzed wide range of threat intelligence sources to provide its clients with structured information in the form of reports (strategic, tactical, operational and technical documents) and indicators of compromise (IOC). These data enable customer organizations to activate their own defensive systems and internal procedures to enable threat detection and block intrusion, if necessary. TS-WAY’s information sources are largely exclusive and provide a strong monitoring of the activity of the main structured adversaries operating in the network.
- TECHNOLOGY PLATFORM: a Dashboard analyzing and collecting emerging malicious activities, to correlate and evaluate information and to manage the increase of the (technical) protection level of security systems.
- PEOPLE: a pool of high-profile professionals with technical, investigative, and contextual skills to understand technical phenomena and provide contextual information that expands knowledge and awareness of what is happening every day within the network ecosystem.
TS-WAY’s experience is acknowledged in international forums and validated by big private organizations in the financial, energy and telecommunication industries, as well as by governmental and military organizations.
Everyday TS-WAY operates at the service of Security Operations Centers (SOC), for alerting and blocking on the threat perimeter. It provides Computer Emergency Response Teams (CERTs) with a Knowledge Base on adversaries to have an updated overview in case of an incident and to control threat hunting and incident response activities. Furthermore, TS WAY is part of cyber threat intelligence units for ongoing adversary analysis and surveillance activities related to its own assets.
TS-WAY is member of exclusive bodies and organizations:
Electronic Crime Task Force (EECTF): a knowledge-sharing initiative, founded in 2009 through an agreement involving the United States Secret Service, the Ministry of the Interior, and the Italian Postal Service. Their mission is to support analytical activities and to develop best practices to fight cybercrime throughout European countries.
Permanent member of Trusted Introducer, an organization made up of European CERTs and Government Incident Response Teams, founded in 2000. It is organized as a permanent working group, by invitation, and its mission is to act as guarantor and certifier of public and private elite organizations operating in the industry.
Member of the Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association (AFCEA) founded in 1946 – a non-profit association serving military, governmental, industrial, and academic bodies.
Partner with the Intelligence Culture and Strategic Analysis Foundation (ICSA).
Supporter Sponsors
Certiquality offers certification, inspection and training services, useful tools to ensure the sustainability and accountability of Organizations, products, processes and services. Green and circular economy, social responsibility, data protection and cyber security as well as the transition 4.0 are some of the areas of interest for the future evolution of companies.On these same areas Certiquality focuses its innovation.
With the special support of
A2A takes care of it every day by looking after energy, water and the environment, through a circular use of natural resources. A2A is a “Life Company” because its goal is to have a positive impact on the quality of life of individuals, always thinking about the future of the planet and the new generations.
Proximity to citizens and territorial knowledge, commitment to ensuring essential services, long-term sustainability, transparency and innovation are at the heart of its philosophy.
With a 10 years strategic plan, and more than 12,000 employees, the company is committed to achieve an ambitious growth, to become a protagonist of the sustainable development of the country. At national level, A2A manages the generation, sale and distribution of energy, district heating, waste collection and recovery, electric mobility, public lighting and integrated water service.
Learn more at www.a2a.eu
Cyber Security for Energy & Transport Infrastructure
International Conference